Frustration of contract is a legal concept that means the original “employment contract” as agreed to can no longer be performed due to an unforeseen circumstance that neither party has control over. Where frustration of contract is proven, the employee is not entitled to wrongful dismissal damages at common law.
Seek Legal Advice Prior To Signing An Employment Contract
It is not uncommon for an employee to sign an employment contract prior to commencing new employment without speaking to legal counsel first.
Fast forward five years and the employee is now terminated without cause and the severance package is either limited to the termination provisions in the employment contract or a couple of extra weeks are offered in exchange for the employee signing a Full and Final Release. This scenario even occurs with senior level employees.
Many employees believe that the reference contained in the termination provision in an employment contract that they are being paid in accordance with the employment standards legislation of the province of Ontario covers their rights. The statutory amounts are the minimum amounts that you are entitled to. Employees are not aware of their rights to damages in lieu of reasonable notice at common law which exceeds their statutory entitlements.
If you have signed an employment contract that contains a termination provision, you are in a much different position on termination than the employee who has not signed an employment contract. The employment contract is drafted by the employer and therefore, it is for the employer’s benefit.
Consult with legal counsel prior to signing an employment contract whether it is given to you prior to commencing employment, on the first day of your employment or anytime during the course of your employment.